
Middle School Teacher Workshop in New Orleans

News Release • December 19, 2015

LIGO's Science Education Center and the AAPT pre-high school committee are joining forces to conduct a Middle School teacher workshop from 5 PM - 7 PM, January 9th at Happy's Irish Pub on Poydras Street New Orleans.  Light refreshments will be served at this BAR (Bounce Around the Room) workshop.  You will be able to talk with ohter teachers and learn about light activities in a relaxed atmosphere.  To reserve your spot (and your free materials please sign up here.  For more information take a look at the following flyer:

Workshop in a BAR

AAPT & LIGO are hosting this middle-school teacher workshop in New Orleans in conjunction with AAPT's winter meeting on January 9th from 5 PM - 7 PM.