Try This at Home

Check out these leisure-time U.S. National Science Foundation Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (NSF LIGO) activities that you can try alone or with friends. Build an interferometer, play a game, operate a virtual interferometer, or search for gravitational waves with your own computer!

Interactive Activities, Games, and Ways to Help LIGO:

  • Gravity Spy Help NSF LIGO scientists search for gravitational waves by finding different kinds of "glitches" found in real LIGO data. By identifying glitches, you will help train LIGO's computers to find gravitational wave signals more efficiently! Get started today! (Brought to you by Zooniverse.)
  • Black Hole Master Brought to you by Laser Labs, the makers of the Detection Alert iPhone and Android Apps
  • Space-Time Quest Brought to you by Laser Labs, the makers of the Detection Alert iPhone and Android Apps
  • Einstein@Home Use your computer's idle time to search for gravitational waves.