
LIGO IDEA committee logo

Inclusion Diversity Equity & Access

Our foundations are laid in the four corners of the United States, with our team dispersed across California, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Washington, and beyond. Diversity and inclusion are part of the very fabric of LIGO’s workplace culture.

We strive to create an inclusive, welcoming environment for our talented workforce. We foster an atmosphere of respect and acceptance across all disciplines, as well as an awareness that without every member of our engineering, science, research, computing, business, and facility teams we cannot achieve our goals.

LIGO’s diverse array of people is our greatest strength. We know it takes hard work to create and maintain an inclusive work environment for every staff member, to improve and celebrate diversity, to encourage equity and increase access, and we are committed to that work.

Please check out more about our ongoing efforts on Inclusion, Equity, Diversity and Access.

LIGO IDEA values poster